Bolton Indoor ITF 2
20 August 2023

From 22 to 26 February I played a tournament in Bolton, England. I had a good start to the tournament with a 6-0 6-0 win in the first round. Then I played against Zixi Ma in the second round, I won this match 6-2 6-2. In the quarterfinals my opponent was too strong and I lost 4-6 2-6.

In doubles I played together with Jinte Bos. In the quarterfinals we played against the French duo Zoë Maras and Sandrine Cauderon Paulin, we won this match 6-4 6-1. In the semifinals we faced another French duo, Pauline Déroulède and Emmanuelle Morch. Unfortunately we lost after a very close match, the score was 6-4 2-6 9-11.

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